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"I see two points: the matter of consumption (therefore, for example, the acceptance of the fact that in Milan avocados could not to be available throughout the whole year) and the productivity review (hence reducing working time in the life of a human being)."

Your name - Giulia           

Age - 34

Your education - I attended the Sociology faculty at Milano - Bicocca University

Your job - Store Manager

Birthplace - Brescia (IT)

Actual location - Milano (IT)


1 - This pandemic forced the majority of us into living a situation none has ever experienced before, namely quarantine. What do you miss most  from the time before quarantine?


Social relationships and freedom of movement.


2 - First came the sanitary emergency and thereafter the economic one, are you more scared of catching the virus or of losing your job?


Of being out of a job.


3 - How do you spend or have you spent your time during quarantine? If this extraordinary situation has brought you to make drastic choices in your life, can you tell us briefly?


I live in a state of semi-isolation, far from my beloved ones, I decided not to go back home in order to not put my over-60 parents at risk.


4 - During the first days of quarantine around the end of February and the beginning of March, on the web appeared some articles by major news organizations about a very specific subject and with titles such as: “Coronavirus frightens, climate does not. How takes form the perception of risk.”

Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever considered that the experience of this pandemic could be taken as a lesson on climate change?


The matter of climate change has been something dear to me for a long time. I hope that this period of time could give light to political considerations regarding the improvement of air quality, the sustainable mobility and the rethinking of productive systems and consumption.


5 - Pandemic has already brought severe changes in everyone's everyday life, and it will bring more and more. Did it unleash new doubts about your own future and/or the one of your family? Which ones?


The effects will undoubtely fall on  my personal life, on my field of work (restaurant), on my own freetime management and even on how I will carry out affective relationships.


6 -The advanced capitalism in which we live made us believe that nothing could be stopped: the virus proved the contrary. Planet Earth basically had a month to breath free, all the activities or the majority of them had to cease: do you consider one or more of them, on balance, unnecessary? Which one of them would you like to see coming to a stop?


I see two points: the matter of consumption (therefore, for example, the acceptance of the fact that in Milan avocados could not to be available throughout the whole year) and the productivity review (hence reducing working time in the life of a human being).


7 - Some philosophers, sociologists, intellectuals hypothesize and/or hope that after this situation of quarantine and pandemic could happen a change in society, do you think it would be possible? (Explain us your answer)


I think that the social interactions will undergo some alterations, especially for what concerns large collective rituals: concerts, shows, sport events, secular and religious ceremonies, meetings, conventions...


8 - Choose a picture that in your opinion depicts this historical period we are living in  and attach it to the answering e-mail.

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