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"I spent this period of social isolation in its hardest form, living at home completely alone. This has given me the chance to face some limits of mine, limits I was unaware of."

Your name- Giulio            

Age- 28

Your education- I have graduated in Medicine and Surgery

Your job- I am a doctor

Birthplace- Cividale del Friuli (IT)

Actual location- Trieste (IT)



1- This pandemic forced the majority of us into living a situation none has ever experienced before, namely quarantine. What do you miss most  from the time before quarantine?


Lots of things: going out with friends, re-embrace my beloved ones, running for hours in the middle of the woods that the Carso conceals, hiking in Carnia in my native land, enjoying lucullian meals at Osmizze in good company, seeing the faces of the people I cross  while I walk down the streets.

2- First came the sanitary emergency and thereafter the economic one, are you more scared of catching the virus or of losing your job?


I am more afraid of catching the virus. Despite my young age I think that anyone is vulnerable. I would also fear trasmitting it to my beloved ones or to my patients.

3- How do you spend or have you spent your time during quarantine? If this extraordinary situation has brought you to make drastic choices in your life, can you tell us briefly?


I spent this period of social isolation in its hardest form, living at home completely alone. This has given me the chance to face some limits of mine, limits I was unaware of. In the meanwhile I tested my reaction ability and my willpower. It is always a double-faced medal, a glass half-full and half-empty.

4- During the first days of quarantine around the end of February and the beginning of March, on the web appeared some articles by major news organizations about a very specific subject and with titles such as: “Coronavirus frightens, climate does not. How takes form the perception of risk.”

Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever considered that the experience of this pandemic could be taken as a lesson on climate change?


Definitively yes. Even more, I hope that all of this raises awareness among the ones who still don't consider the tragic effect that our habits have on the climate. Despite the optimist faith I tend to have in people, I am quite skeptical about the fact tahta all of this could actually change a process which already proceeds at a rapid pace and with exuberant inertia.

5- Pandemic has already brought severe changes in everyone's everyday life, and it will bring more and more. Did it unleash new doubts about your own future and/or the one of your family? Which ones?


Actually, the paradox is that I am experiencing deep changes in my life and a few novelties in my working field. Nonetheless, I am convinced that many facets of the medical practice will change significantly and it won't make things easier.


6-The advanced capitalism in which we live made us believe that nothing could be stopped: the virus proved the contrary. Planet Earth basically had a month to breath free, all the activities or the majority of them had to cease: do you consider one or more of them, on balance, unnecessary? Which one of them would you like to see coming to a stop?


I believe that we should consider smart working as a viable innovation and eco-friendly, obviously within its limitations. Some jobs should be designed more in terms of objectives and not in terms of working hours.

Even in this matter there is another side of the medal: other businesses (hospitality, retail) are still essential and at the same time very vulnerable.

The preservation of VAT numbers and of self-employed should be enforced in a world where their taxation should have the purpose to protect them in such situations.


7- Some philosophers, sociologists, intellectuals hypothesize and/or hope that after this situation of quarantine and pandemic could happen a change in society, do you think it would be possible? (Explain us your answer)


I support the theory of paradigms: the circularity of History goes together with the succession of new paradigms in scientific, economic, political, etcetc, areas. If normally their mutation happens often in parallel but with a pahse shift, exist some historical nodal points when all of this transform together. Well, I think we are experience such a moment. This will put to the test every ability of renewal and reaction we have. It could bring us to the third World War or to a new golden age...who knows?


8- Choose a picture that in your opinion depicts this historical period we are living in  and attach it to the answering e-mail.

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